Never Forget..Florist in Accrington area, we won't let you forget, Remembrance Day.


 IF YOU ONLY BUY ONE FLOWER ALL YEAR, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let it be a Poppy, wear your Poppy with pride, I know all at this Accrington florist will be....

we as always are supporting our local branch of The Royal British Legion by selling a wide selection of remembrance day merchandise, and also putting in a huge window display in our florist shop, in honour of all our fallen heroes. 

Opening Times

Monday: 9am to 2pm
Tuesday: 9am to 2pm
Wednesday: 9am to 12pm
Thursday: 9am to 4pm
Friday: 9am to 4pm
Saturday: 9am to 12pm
Sunday: Picking Daisies

Our Address

Open All Flowers
187 Whalley Road,
Nr Accrington,

01254 390 829

Customer Support